As Kerry marks one year with the Advanced Group, she reflects on the challenges and triumphs of the organization through the recent outbreak of COVID-19. She praises their Head of HR for getting in front of the pandemic and creating a continuity team early on in the game. She shares that this “what’s next” mentality is what gave the Advanced Group the headstart they needed to move swiftly and make thoughtful decisions. Kerry encourages companies to follow this lead by making a habit of thinking forward and experimenting with how to navigate the challenges that come with it. If organizations want to survive in today’s reality they need to be able to lift, shift, pivot, and be agile.

Kerry also touches on her early days in the industry and how she built her career on helping organizations grow. She started in sales and over time, naturally grew into her current position as COO. One thing she loves most about this role is being able to see the changes that need to be made and then having that authority to make them. This system allows Kerry to create real change within the organization and provides the growth momentum for which many companies strive.

While Kerry would love to say that there are no negative impacts from working remotely in a C-suite position, she acknowledges that person-to-person interaction is hard to replace. She shares that there is immense value in the impromptu conversations that happen between you and your colleagues when you’re walking down the hall or getting your lunch. Although this piece of our day to day seems irreplaceable, the new norm is forcing us to find different ways to collaborate, and those who don’t jump on board will be left behind.

With collaboration in mind, Leslie and Kerry discuss what “having it all” means for her and why it involves giving yourself a break. Kerry loves her job AND her home life, but thinks that “having it all” really boils down to individual balance and finding what works best for you and your family. With her husband as her partner, they find their own way to “have it all”.

As their conversation continues, Kerry reflects on the best advice she’s ever been given, her view on titles and partnerships, and how the COVID-19 crisis means organizations should be focusing on the three c’s (cash, collections and cost), as well as the people who look to executive teams to lead the way.